Do you like piecing puzzles together? Did you like puzzles as a child? Is using the “box top” as a guide really cheating? Last week’s Bible reading plan ended with God promising Jacob a blessing. Jacob has the “box top” about how life will eventually be for God’s people. God continues to put pieces together of His story, but sometimes how it all fits doesn't immediately make sense. This week will cover the life of Jacob and his family. Just like enjoyment of puzzles can be passed from one generation to the next, we will see sinfulness, specifically favoritism, continue to be passed down. God reconciles and restores individuals, families, and societies. He does this the moment our cleverness fails and we finally grab onto Him as our only way of blessing, after He has grabbed ahold of us. God’s faithfulness continues as more puzzle pieces get added to the big picture.
Each week, as you take in the Bible, find some friends to talk it out. You can follow this simple guide to help. First, R.E.A.D. and P.R.A.Y. on your own. Then, meet with friends to share what you've learned.
R - Repeated words
E - Examine and mark
A - Ask what you learn about God
D - Do if there is anything to do
P - Praise
R - Repent
A - Ask
Bible Plan Reading - Week 6
We're reading the Bible together in 2024. Specifically, we're taking a journey into how the story of the Bible unfolded in the Old Testament. If we get the big picture, we get the story the Bible is trying to tell us. From Sunday's message or The Big Picture Bible Reading Plan this week in the book of Genesis, what is impacting you the most? Was there a word, phrase, Bible verse, or theme that impacted you?
Compare Genesis 35:23-26 and 27:3 with Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:34-37. Which son of Jacob is in the line of Jesus? Which wife of Jacob has the son through which Jesus would come? Is it who you thought it would be?What is interesting about these details?
How does Jacob end up with both Leah and Rachel in Genesis 29:25? As promised in Genesis 28:15, what circumstances does God use to move Jacob back to his home country in Genesis 31:1-2, 41? How does God intervene directly to move and help Jacob in Genesis 31:3, 29? How did God keep His promise? *Compare Genesis 28:18-22 with 35:1-15
What does the name Jacob mean in Genesis 25:26? Now look at Genesis 32:24-28. What does the name Israel mean in Genesis 32:28? Do you think Jacob was surprised to be holding his own initially in the fight? Do you think Jacob was more surprised when at the supernatural touch of a finger his hip was displaced? How do you think this name change represented a deeper change in identity for Jacob? How might a Christian still struggle with old habits after a change in identity?
In Genesis 38, Judah and Tamar are introduced. How serious is sin to God in Genesis 38:7? How seriously is wickedness punished? Does that affect the way you view sin?
Why might the story of Judah and Tamar have been included in the big picture of the Bible? Which child was in the line of the promised one, Jesus?
Do you see generational struggles in your own family? Has bitterness and resentment grown, or has forgiveness and reconciliation grown? What does bitterness left unchecked lead to in Joseph’s story? Is there any reconciliation effort need to be made by you to someone? Are you ready to take the first step? If yes, then what is your first step?
How is the unfolding history of the "fathers" (patriarchs) shocking so far? Are we to morally "be like" Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob? Is the point of the history more about morality or miracles that God uses to point us to the future promised one?
How does Jacob point us to Jesus other than being included in the genealogy of Jesus? Can you think of 3 words to compare Jacob to Jesus?
How did Leah begin to treasure God despite her husband loving her sister more? Like Leah, have you ever desperately wanted someone’s attention or recognition?
Have you ever had family members that did not speak to each other for months or even years? Did they reconcile? How do we see Jacob and Esau reconciling?
We have read about favoritism, bitterness, jealousy, sexual misconduct, attempted murder, lying, cheating, and injustices of different kinds. Ultimately, every patriarch has fallen short in some way. We have also seen God restore individuals, and yet they still struggle with old hang ups. Right now, God’s ‘people’ are just one family...a dysfunctional family at that. Our Bible reading stops with brothers selling the father’s favorite son into slavery. How will they multiply like the stars in the sky? How can they serve God? How can they be reconciled to God? The promises and story continue to point us to one coming that will fulfill God’s promises. This One will finally reconcile and redeem all of mankind to God.