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  • Cornerstone Church

Meet Jesus - The How Matters

Have you ever heard someone say "Prove it!", expecting some evidence to know if something is true? That's the scene of the story Jesus is telling about a good neighbor. The main part of the story is when Jesus shares a contrast between 2 religous people and a foreigner responding to someone hurting. Jesus details how this foreigner (Samaritan) was the unlikely neighbor to someone left for dead. At the end of the story Jesus poses the question "Who proved to be a neighbor?". Of course there is only one correct option: the one who showed up, stayed with, and spent much to help someone in need.

Each week, as you take in the Bible, find some friends to talk it out. You can follow this simple guide to help. First, R.E.A.D. and P.R.A.Y. on your own. Then, meet with friends to share what you've learned.

R - Repeated words

E - Examine and mark

A - Ask what you learn about God

D - Do if there is anything to do

P - Praise

R - Repent

A - Ask

Y - Yield

Sunday's Message Text: Luke 10:30-37 

Bible Plan Reading - Week 50


  • We are in a teaching series Like a Good Neighbor, focused on "neighboring" from a story Jesus shared about compassion. From Sunday's message or the Meet Jesus Bible Reading Plan this week, what is impacting you the most? Was there a word, phrase, Bible verse, or theme that impacted you?



  • Think for a moment how the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is like a good Christmas story. What similarities do you see, like when you watch/read a Christmas classic?

  • From Luke 10:30, what is the condition of the hurting man on the road? What about his situation is extreme?

  • From Luke 10:31-32, how are the 2 first travelers described? (Get into the details) Why would they pass by this hurting human? How might we make excuses for not helping this man?

  • In Luke 10:33, there is a contrast presented: "But". What's the difference between this third traveler and the others? How did he react when he saw the hurting man? What was he willing to do?

  • In Luke 10:34-35, what kind of care did the Samaritan give to the hurting man? Make a list. Was did it cost him to help?

  • What was the correct answer to Jesus' question in Luke 10:36-37?


  • How is this story shocking? What kind of love is illustrated?

  • Is neighboring something you think about more or less since reading this story? What's been rolling around in your mind?

  • What's the difference between raising awareness and required action? What made action more important that awareness in this story? How do you see desperate situations?

  • Do you know what a BLESS map is? What does each letter stand for? How far have you made it in your BLESS map with your neighbors? (B, L, E, S, S)

  • When we say "neighboring is really obeying", what do we mean? Did the response/no response of the hurting man matter? How does this truth influence you now?


The Good Samaritan story is a Christmas-like story, a shocking story, a God-reflecting story, where radical and unlikely compassion, undeniable care, and unhindered cost are all on display because someone was moved to act. When someone was left for dead, the good neighbor showed up, stayed with, and spent much to save a life. Doesn't that sound like the gospel of Jesus? Doesn't this sound like the heart of God? That's what the Christmas season is all about.


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