As written previously, John MacArthur states that Proverbs is to “make people contemplate (1) the fear of God and (2) living by His wisdom. A proverb is defined as a “a short statement, usually known by many people for a long time, that gives advice or expresses some common truth.” There are some challenging proverbs recorded from King Solomon this week. Should a Bible reader view the proverbs as literal promises? It is easy to do that, however, if so then the Bible contradicts itself in this week’s readings. If God’s word contradicts itself then God is a liar, and that cannot be. This is going to require some thinking and ultimate wisdom to navigate, and that is the Big Picture.
Each week, as you take in the Bible, find some friends to talk it out. You can follow this simple guide to help. First, R.E.A.D. and P.R.A.Y. on your own. Then, meet with friends to share what you've learned.
R - Repeated words
E - Examine and mark
A - Ask what you learn about God
D - Do if there is anything to do
P - Praise
R - Repent
A - Ask
Bible Reading Plan - Week 4
Daily Prayer Plan – Week 4
We're reading the Bible together in 2025 to see how Love Shows Up from the Old Testament and into the New Testament. How do we understand so many stories and lessons through the entire Bible while trying to stick to the "sacred timeline"? The answer is the big picture. If we get the big picture, we get the story the Bible is trying to tell. From Sunday's message or The Big Picture Bible Reading Plan this week in the book of Proverbs, what is impacting you the most? How has praying daily through the Psalms impacted you? Was there a word, phrase, Bible verse, or theme that impacted you?
Read 1 Corinthians 1:24-25. What is Christ to believers or ‘those who are called’? How are we to understand God’s wisdom compared to ours as we approach challenging proverbs?
Read Proverbs 22:6. What does this verse imply if you read it as a literal promise? Read Ephesians 6:4. What is the responsibility of parents apart from a child’s choices?
Read Numbers 23:19. What does this verse tell us about God’s character and the truths given to us through the Bible?
Read Proverbs 26:4-5. What is the apparent contradiction?
Read Matthew 22:18. Read Matthew 27:11-13. What do Jesus’ responses show us about how wisdom plays into each situation? How does this inform how to resolve the apparent contradiction in Proverbs 26:4-5?
Are parents responsible to God for their parenting? Are parents responsible for their children’s choices? Explain.
Read Ephesians 6:1-3. How do you see God’s instruction, parents, and children working together so that the next generation may have “long life in the land”?
Read Proverbs 26:4. Has there ever been a time when you said something that you later regretted? How might this verse point you towards a wiser way of living?
Read Proverbs 26:5. Has there ever been a time when you did not speak up when you knew you should? How might this verse point you towards a wiser way of living?
Read Luke 2:52. How do you grow in wisdom and discernment? When was a time you did not know the right choice to make? How did you decide what to do?
Jesus is the Logos or logic of the universe. He made the universe and holds it together. Colossians 1:16 states that, “everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through him and for him.” In Revelation 21:6, Jesus is sitting on His throne and states “It is done! I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning, and the end.” All history points to the wisdom of God, which became flesh. He has a divine nature and put on a human nature. In that human nature, Jesus also had to increase “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people.” We also must continue to grow in wisdom over time, and part of that wisdom is knowing how to relate to others in the right ways at the right time. At one point, that might be a lot of grace someone or you need, and other times, that might be a lot more truth the person or you need. Be encouraged; if you ask God for wisdom, He will give it to you. (James 1:5) The next time you are not sure what to say or do, ask for some wisdom. Then, the next best thing is to rest by remembering. Remember all the hope found in Jesus and His promises, and remember Jesus’ words on the cross and seated on the throne at the end of time, “it is done!”