The book of Jonah will be read this week, which holds a unique place in the Biblical narrative. A prophet was to speak on God’s behalf to warn and call the Israelite people back into covenant God. Jonah is the only prophet sent to a non-Israelite culture to preach repentance...not willingly. He takes some redirection to get there. This is all part of the bigger narrative that God is going to bless all people through Abraham’s family. However, the nation of Israel remains split into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. There are some good kings in the southern Kingdom of Judah, but the northern kings are all wicked. God will continue to send His prophets to warn the people and call them back. Elisha, the prophet, will die and even after his death be used by God to bring life to the dead. God still faithfully works out His sovereign plan of redemption.
Each week, as you take in the Bible, find some friends to talk it out. You can follow this simple guide to help. First, R.E.A.D. and P.R.A.Y. on your own. Then, meet with friends to share what you've learned.
R - Repeated words
E - Examine and mark
A - Ask what you learn about God
D - Do if there is anything to do
P - Praise
R - Repent
A - Ask
Bible Plan Reading - Week 34
We're reading the Bible together in 2024. Specifically, we're taking a journey into how the story of the Bible unfolded in the Old Testament. If we get the big picture, we get the story the Bible is trying to tell us. From Sunday's message or The Big Picture Bible Reading Plan this week in the book of Chronicles or Kings or Jonah, what is impacting you the most? Was there a word, phrase, Bible verse, or theme that impacted you?
Read Deuteronomy 31:19-21,29. What does the LORD say will happen? What does Moses say will happen? Now read 1 Kings 12:27-33. What did Jeroboam (the 1st) son of Nebat do to cause Israel to sin?
Read 2 Kings 14:24. How is Jeroboam II described? What prophet is listed in verse 25 as bringing the word of the LORD to a wicked king? The message was concerning restoring land to Israel that had been taken. What might this say about the prophet’s motivation towards his nation prospering?
Read Jonah 1:1. What was Jonah commanded to do? Read Jonah 4:2-3. What is the reason Jonah is angry and fled in the first place? What does this say about the prophet’s motivation towards his enemies prospering?
Read Jonah 1:4,17,4:6-8. When God appointed something, what happened? Go back and read Jonah 1:1-3. What did Jonah do when he was appointed? Read Jonah 3:9. How does the wicked king’s response compare to Jonah’s actions in the book?
Read Jonah 3:10. What was the reason God relented? Read Jonah 4:9-11. What does this tell us about who God is compassionate to save?
Read 2 Kings 15:9, 18, 24, 28. What's the common comparison of the wicked kings? What's an area that you might align more with the culture of your nation/family/workplace rather than the word of the LORD?
Like Jonah, how are you tempted to feel superior to others? How might this lead you to overlook your sins and look down on those on the "wrong side"?
In Jonah, God appointed a storm, fish, plant, worm, and scorching wind. He also appointed a rebellious prophet. What has God appointed you to do? P.R.A.Y. that God would help you be faithful as the fish, worm, or wind to whatever God has appointed for you today.
Read Jonah 4:3:4. The message Jonah communicated only included judgement. What did Jonah leave out? How are you seasoning your speech to include the full message of the gospel?
Read 2 Kings 13:20-21. Who in your circle needs salvation? Are you afraid you might mess up a gospel conversation? What are you anxious about today that you can bring before the LORD?
2 Kings 13:20-21 is a testament to God’s faithfulness and power. Elisha was the successor to Elijah; both prophets that God gave spiritual power as a witness. Elisha died and was buried in a grave, more like a tomb. Crazy things happen. Friends see raiders coming during a funeral, so they toss a dead friend into the grave to hurry the process. The dead friend miraculously revives after his lifeless body lands on top of Elisha’s bones. He also escapes from the raiders. You can't miss the irreverence, fear, and humor of the situation. This is like someone saying, "We can laugh about it now" because they know the end of the story. Even through death, a dead prophet was used by God to display His power and grace to bring new life to a dead man through selfish men. God can completely save through hopeless situations! We know the end of the story. Jesus is the better Elisha, who not only died but took His life back up. Jesus proved it by walking out of the tomb Himself! Those who follow Him "die to themselves", and are "born again" to new life in Jesus. The next time you are afraid you might mess something up or offend someone, remember the men who tossed the body. It was never dependent on our efforts, but the power of God reviving dead men.