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Cornerstone Church

This week’s readings will finish Zechariah’s visions from 1:7 - 6:15, which are meant to comfort the people. God will bring about all His promises in the coming Messianic kingdom. The last half of Zechariah reinforces the theme of God’s coming deliverance to Israel through the Messiah. Esther is the only book in the Bible that does not mention God or any religious activity. This is intentional by the writer to make a point to a group of people that believed God was intimately involved in history. The point is that God is always working in the smallest and most seemingly insignificant details for His purposes. The readings finish this week with one chapter in Ezra. As a reminder of what was said last week, Ezra and Nehemiah were originally one book that involved the return of God’s people in 3 phases. Last week we covered the reconstruction of the Temple. This week Ezra 7 introduces the second phase, which is the rebuilding of the ‘people’ through teaching the law.

Each week, as you take in the Bible, find some friends to talk it out. You can follow this simple guide to help. First, R.E.A.D. and P.R.A.Y. on your own. Then, meet with friends to share what you've learned.

R - Repeated words

E - Examine and mark

A - Ask what you learn about God

D - Do if there is anything to do

P - Praise

R - Repent

A - Ask

Y - Yield 

Bible Plan Reading Links - Week 51


We're reading the Bible together in 2024. Specifically, we're taking a journey into how the story of the Bible unfolded in the Old Testament, starting with the beginning. How do we understand so many stories and lessons while trying to stick to the "sacred timeline"? The answer is the big picture. If we get the big picture, we get the story the Bible is trying to tell. From Sunday's message or The Big Picture Bible Reading Plan this week in the book of Ezekiel, what is impacting you the most? Was there a word, phrase, Bible verse, or theme that impacted you?



Read Esther 4:11-14. What is the punishment for coming to the King without being summoned? What is Mordecai’s explanation of why the ‘coincidences’ in Esther’s life have lined up so she is queen?


Read Esther 6:1-5. How many ‘coincidences’ can you count in these 5 verses that, if any one of them changed, would have changed the story? What does this tell us about how God uses ‘coincidences’?


Read Zechariah 8:10-12. God contrasts His dealings with the people from before the rebuilding of the Temple to after. How are they different? What role does the Temple play in this change?


Read Isaiah 11:1. Jeremiah 23:5-6. What will life be like during the kingdom of the Branch of Jesse? 


Read Zechariah 6:12-14. What does the crowning of Joshua point the people to? Read Zechariah 6:15. How will the blessings come to pass? 



Read Esther 2:5-7. What awful ‘coincidences’ happened to both Mordecai and Esther at the start of their story? How do you think they wrestled with what was happening to them? What do you do when difficult ‘coincidences’ happen to you?


Read Zechariah 7:3-5. How do you know whether your religious activity is for God or for yourself? 


Read Zechariah 8:15-17 and Galatians 5:22-23. How is a changed life in Christ different from religious activity? Reflect on how you have grown in the Fruit of the Spirit in 2024. 


Read Zechariah 9:9. Read John 12:13-15. How does Christ really being the prophesied Messiah help you when you do not understand the ‘coincidences’ in your life? 


Read Zechariah 12:1. How does God being the Creator give you confidence in His promises of deliverance and His coming Kingdom? 



It is very challenging to imagine God being so powerful that He is able to work His will through the free choices of men and seeming coincidences in life. God is able to bring about prophecies over hundreds of years to be exactly how He intends the story to go through what seem to be coincidences at the time. It can be tempting to agonize over the small details of our job, school, or the next decision in our life, however the Big Picture is focused on Jesus. He is the prophesied Branch of Jesse who came humbly riding on a colt, and purchased blessings for His people by His blood. Jesus is the true Temple through which God blesses and restores His people. Jesus confirmed this Himself in John 2:19. Furthermore, He is coming again. However, it will be as a conquering King to once and for all establish His reign on earth. With this in mind, seek wisdom in your choices in life, however never let your anticipation of Christ’s coming be superseded by anything else. God’s will is that you be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16), and Christ has secured that for you, now work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) and be worthy of your high calling (Ephesians 4:1). Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart, (Psalm 37:4) as you go and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).


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