This week’s readings will finish the Old Testament history with the final prophetic book of Malachi. This week also begins our reading plan for 2025, which will begin in the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. After that, the plan takes us chronologically through the New Testament from the Gospel accounts to Revelation. As a side note, Psalm will be prayed through twice this year. There is more to come on that in our main gathering. The book of Malachi is a series of arguments between God and Israel. God shows Israel’s unfaithfulness despite being exiled and now brought back. So, the Old Testament ends with the people of God back in the land promised to Abraham and his descendants over two thousand years prior, and a lot has happened. God has promised to establish His kingdom again using a Messiah. The people have rebuilt their temple and city walls; however, they are under foreign rule. Furthermore, from the Exodus until Malachi, the people continue to be unable to live up to God’s law as shown again in Malachi. These two issues of foreign rule and moral failings leave God’s people looking for answers. This sets up the need for wisdom, and a new covenant. That is the Big Picture.
Each week, as you take in the Bible, find some friends to talk it out. You can follow this simple guide to help. First, R.E.A.D. and P.R.A.Y. on your own. Then, meet with friends to share what you've learned.
R - Repeated words
E - Examine and mark
A - Ask what you learn about God
D - Do if there is anything to do
P - Praise
R - Repent
A - Ask
Bible Reading Plan Links - Week 53 & Week 1 |
We're reading the Bible together finishing 2024 and continuing in 2025. Specifically, we're taking a journey into how the story of the Bible continues to unfold from the Old Testament into the New Testament. How do we understand so many stories and lessons through the entire Bible while trying to stick to the "sacred timeline"? The answer is the big picture. If we get the big picture, we get the story the Bible is trying to tell. From Sunday's message or The Big Picture Bible Reading Plan this week in the book of Nehemiah, Malachi, or Proverbs, what is impacting you the most? How has praying daily through the Psalms impacted you? Was there a word, phrase, Bible verse, or theme that impacted you?
Read Exodus 20:8-10. What was God’s command 1000 years prior to Nehemiah? Read Nehemiah 13:15-17. What were the people and nobles doing? How was this reminiscent of Israel’s history?
Read Malachi 1:11. What does God say is the Big Picture?
Read Malachi 4:1-3. How will the Day of the Lord be different for the wicked and those who fear God’s name? Read Proverbs 1:7.
Read Malachi 4:4. What is Malachi’s final advice? Read Malachi 4:5-6. What will happen before the Day of the Lord?
Read Luke 1:13-17. How does this passage bridge the Old Testament and New Testament?
Read Nehemiah 13:22, 30-31. What does Nehemiah’s example show us about following all of God’s law, even the inconvenient parts?
Read Proverbs 1:23-33. What do you learn from examining the way of fools versus the way of wisdom?
Read Proverbs 3:5-8. Are these rewards always given in tangible ways, (material blessings)? How should we best understand them?
Think over 2024. How have you grown as a Christian this year? How have you discipled others this year?
Think over 2025. Pray for those you disciple and your spiritual growth this year. Pray to make the Lord’s name great among the nations.
The Big Picture of scripture is God’s story of His own glory played out in His loving kindness towards sinners. The Pinnacle of His glory and holiness is Christ crucified on the behalf of sinners, which displays His perfection most clearly. 2024 was the prelude and foreshadowing of preparing the world, God’s people, and the narrative understanding for the significance of Jesus Christ, which the New Testament explains. John Wesley described the Old and New Testament as “a most solid and precious system of Divine truth…The New Testament is all those sacred writings in which the New Testament or covenant is described.” Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of the Old Testament law and wisdom. John MacArthur states that Proverbs is written to “make people contemplate (1) the fear of God and (2) living by His wisdom. The sum of this wisdom is personified in the Lord Jesus Christ.” This week as you read the end of the Old Testament narrative, there was a longing for a solution. We know that perfect solution is found in Christ. Proverbs points us to the solution. Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God that made the world, became flesh, and dwelt among us. Now, New Testament believers long for Christ coming again to rule and reign.