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  • Cornerstone Church

MEET JESUS - Our Spiritual Lens

Each week, as you take in the Bible, find some friends to talk it out. You can follow this simple guide to help. First, R.E.A.D. and P.R.A.Y. on your own. Then, meet with friends to share what you've learned.

R - Retell it E - Examine it A - Apply it D - Discuss it -- P - Praise R - Repent A - Ask Y - Yield

Sunday Message Text: LUKE 4:31-41

Bible Plan Readings - Week 8


  • Have you read or watched The Lord of the Rings? What happens when Frodo or Bilbo put on the ring? What can they see? What does this imagery communicate?


  • From Sunday's message (LUKE 4) or the Meet Jesus Bible Reading Plan, what impacted you the most? Was there a word, phrase, or Bible verse that impacted you? *What did you highlight?

  • From the readings, what have you learned about Jesus (God) and spiritual things?

  • What comforts you knowing Jesus is involved in spiritual things? Both light and dark

  • What does Jesus focus on in a spiritual encounter? What is above all else?


  • Who do you know that needs the message from Sunday and the Bible readings? Do you have eyes to see them spiritually like Jesus?

  • What will amaze people when Jesus gets involved in their life? Is his wonders or Word more powerful?


  • Are you living in fear or are you fearless when it comes to spiritual things? What about the Gospel do you need today?


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